Monday, December 21, 2015

Getting the first post out of the way

Quite honestly, and this is with all humility, I need a forum.

This has less to do with with me having anything truly important to say, and more to do with a desire to record my futile efforts in all things, so that my experiences may enrich the lives of those who may read my musings.

I promise to be inconsistent. I promise to have no coherent theme. I promise to jump from professional posts, to pop-culture, to games, to beer making, and parenting. I also promise to post regularly, and then stop without explanation, only to come back, blow the dust off the blog, and start posting again.

My point, to make things clear, is that this blog is all about me. If I wake up one day and cannot remember the details of my life.... Not details.... If I cannot remember the topics that consumed the precious moments of my existence, I can read this blog and realize how pathetic I was in my pursuits.

Or maybe not. I am a bit of a mystery.

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